Monday, December 5, 2011

One of a kind...

I can't believe it's December already!
I feel like just a few weeks ago I was flying back into Ontario. And now it's time to start planning for the holidays! Time for shopping. Tree decorating. Wrapping, baking, and visiting. It's always a bit of an ordeal. There is always more than one house to visit. There is always a forgotten gift at home, or a lost receipt. There are never enough photos taken and there is always WAY too much food consumed. It never turns out to be as relaxing as I'd like, but I always enjoy myself more than I had imagined.
The only thing left for me to do is shop. I gotta get out there! There are only 19 days left!
The problem is though, there isn't enough pressure. It doesn't feel like the holidays. There isn't an inch of snow. Not a single flake! I can actually hear the birds outside chirping. Is it spring? Maybe I'm just confused and its actually Easter. I donno. But the weather better make up it's mind otherwise Christmas is getting postponed.

I did manage to get to the One of a Kind show in Toronto last week though! What a trip. I assumed it would take about 3-4 hours to browse through all the vendors. MAX. That's plenty of time to wander. Pick stuff up, chat to local artists, have a snack or 2.
Holy crap. Was I ever wrong! I've never been more exhausted from shopping. The weight of my purse alone made me want to cry. After 6 hours of wandering around, my mind constantly in alert curious-shopper mode. There was just so much stuff! Funny calendars, fuzzy hats, tasty jams and dips, photography, jewelry, furniture, clothing... the list honestly goes on and on.
People are just so darn crafty.

Direct Energy Centre

Dennis, who was willingly dragged along. Let's start at Row A!

Pretty clever me thinks...

But that was last week. This week is going to be different. It's dedicated to getting my shit together. I need to make lists. And lots of them. People, gift ideas and the location at which said gift can be purchased! I have high hopes.
Next week is then dedicated to attaining said gifts. Again... hopes are high. So wish me luck.
One distraction and I'm screwed.

Wish me luck!

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